314.993.1991 ann mayer eisen

> Scroll through a wide variety of Desgin Annex's print design projects.

(Special event invitation) Using a vertical 3-panel piece intersecting with a horizontal 3-panel piece, a complex shape and folding method was achieved without the use of die-cutting. The 2-color printing used the standard color palette for Citizens for Missouri's Children and helped keep printing costs affordable.

(Theatrical play materials) A one-woman comedy reflecting on the life of advice columnist Ann Landers provided a fun project to work on consisting of a direct mail postcard, eblasts and advertisements to capture the era of the 60's and 70's in a playful yet sophisticated and feminine way.

(Travel-themed fundraiser invitation) With a vintage travel theme, a road map seemed to be the ticket. Within the items scattered on the map, information about the event, the honorees and donors can be found. The map was folded to fit into a standard business envelope and contained a boarding pass as the reply card.

(Special event invitation) Using a vertical 3-panel piece intersecting with a horizontal 3-panel piece, a complex shape and folding method was achieved without the use of die-cutting. The 2-color printing used the standard color palette for Citizens for Missouri's Children and helped keep printing costs affordable.